What Is Repentance? By Dr. Isaac Boulos

To be sad for sin is remorse and not repentance.
Repentance means a change of mind.
A change of mind is required as follows:
1. About sin: It is not an amusing game, but it is playing with fire.
2. About God: He is not an angry, harsh, and avenging God but, He is a merciful and gracious God who demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while
we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Rom. 5:8).
3. About Christ: He is not a mere apostle or prophet,
but He is God in the flesh, the beloved Redeemer who gave Himself for us (Titus 2:14).
4. About the sinner: He is depraved and unable to save himself and even his good works are polluted by the corruption that is in him.
5. It is not enough to be sorry for sin, i.e. remorse, but a sinner also has to forsake it and turn to God, having faith in His love and salvation, and accept Christ as
his personal Savior.